When: Saturday May 12th & Sunday May 13th

This workshop is limited to places. Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided.–reflexology.html

What the workshop involves:

  • There are seven rays of Reiki, you will be attuned to the first ray
  • You will learn about what Reiki is and the history of Reiki
  • You will learn about the Chakas and the aura
  • You will be shown techniques for scanning, cleansing and protecting the aura
  • There will be a guided meditation
  • You will learn the hand positions for self healing
  • You will be shown the hand positions for treating others.
  • After learning how to treat others you will both give and receive a full treatment.

After the workshop:

  • You will be confident to give a treatment to friends and family.
  • you will know how to self treat an will have the amazing ability to channel Reiki for life

You will receive:

  • A Reiki level 1 manual & Certificate
  • Ongoing support and advice & invitation to free Reiki Share.

Investment: €150 (€50 deposit) Early bird price until April 27th