Massage has huge benefits for everyone!

Massage has huge benefits for everyone!

Many of us think of Massage therapy as a pure indulgence or a luxury we would like to be able to afford. It is only when you stop to think that way and understand the true healing qualities which massage can offer, you understand that the body can benefit in so many fantastic ways.

So what are the main benefits of massage?

Increased circulation throughout the body. This is great for addressing a whole host of health issues. Better circulation brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. This allows them to reach optimal health very quickly.

Better flow of lymph fluid. This allows the lymph system to be far more effective in removing toxins and other pollutants. It breaks up the stagnant lymph fluid allowing the whole system to be freshened and cleansed.

Promotes deep, slow breathing. This is very beneficial to both the body and mind. Slow, deep breathing brings much more oxygen into the body. This is wonderful for your health. Oxygen is critical to every aspect of body operation. The more oxygen you have in your system the better. Deep, slow breathing also eases anxiety in the mind.

Helps the body recover faster from injuries to the muscles and tendons. This is because massage relieves harmful tension and inflammation and brings better circulation to the affected area. Be sure to tell your therapist about the injury so that they can treat it accordingly.

Releases serotonin and endorphins from the brain. These are the bodys natural feel-good hormones. People who have elevated levels of these hormones feel happy and exuberant. They are also very effective at relieving pain. This is of great benefit to anyone, especially people suffering with chronic disease. If you are prone to depression you will find a degree of relief by receiving a regular massage. This is because of the release of these natural hormones along with the relaxation of the body.

Makes the skin healthier and more vibrant. Vigorous massage brings new life into tired, old looking skin. Fresh nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the skin resulting in a healthy glow. A massage per week can keep your skin looking its best, deep into old age. Also, because the therapist uses a lotion to aid in the massage your skin becomes fully moisturised, leading to greater elasticity and a reduction of wrinkles.

Increases self image and body confidence: Because massage has a toning effect on the skin many feel there skin becomes tighter and toner. When we look good we feel good and this has a knock on effect on every part of our lives.

Medical/physical issues: Massage can play a big part in correcting medical issues. Digestion, for example can become low and sluggish for many reasons. Massage is fantastic for kick starting the system into working efficiently.

These are only some of the many healing benefits of massage. When we relax and de-stress we allow our body time to repair and to heal.

Please contact me if you would like any further information about Massage Therapy.


Orla 086 1040407

So you want to lose weight and get healthier?

So you want to lose weight and get healthier?


Most of know that familiar feeling of weight creeping up on us, and before we know it our midriff is beginning to hang over our belt, not to mention the less visible belly button!

There are so many reasons and excuses – menopause, anxiety, comfort – and unfortunately our subconscious mind is really clever at brushing it all under the carpet.

Hormones changes leading to a slowing metabolism, not enough time because the kids are on the go all the time, lack of energy, eating on the go, snacking between meals….the reasons are endless.

But what if a few simple changes to your lifestyle with little effort helped to change your thought process and prepare yourself for a healthier life and body with little effort?

Interested?….read on.


Start with the intention of following through and not giving in from the beginning. The week before you want to start implementing change begin with a few simple mind exercises

  1. On waking each day feel grateful for everything you have in your life so far. Gratitude for the warm home, job, family etc whatever is important to you. Focus on this a few time for a few minutes each day. Before going to sleep feel grateful for your day and the fact that you want to implement change.
  2. Continue to eat as you usually do but take a mental note of what you have eaten. Drink plenty of water. Warmed water with fruit infused can be more exciting to drink.
  3. Spend a few minutes each day imagining what your end result will look like. Even look at some past photos when you felt healthier and weighted less.
  4. Buy one medium sized BLUE plate and if possible a BLUE glass.


And now for the following week……the work begins:

  1. Continue to focus on the exercises from the week before especially increasing water intake.
  2. Plan the meals/menu for the week so you don’t over shop.
  3. Use fresh and unprocessed food as much as possible. Less carbs and more protein. Eliminate  bread, toast and wraps. Starting the day with  2 eggs scrambled or poached is great and filling especially when tomatoes, spinach and a small amount of feta is yum. This is filling and there is a chance of less snacking.
  4. Have a homemade veg soup mid morning if you feel hungry. Lunches are easy, such as chicken fillet salad or salmon salad.
  5. Dinner is sensible by have veg instead of pasta or potatoes with meat (not processed) steak, mince, chicken etc.
  6. Serve all your meals on a BLUE place and use a BLUE glass. Blue is a calming colour but there is also scientific proof that blue suppresses the appetite. There is very little blue in the natural world and food. Yes blueberries are blue but theres not a lot of other blue natural foods.
  7. Using a medium size plate or a smaller plate than normal also sends a signal to the brain that the plate is full.
  8. Slow down eating and chewing. this gives the brain time to acknowledge you have eaten and are feel full.
  9. In between meals it is ok to have hunger pains and to get used to them. It’s simply the boys way of telling us that its time to prepare a meal. In the meantime the body is busy digesting what it can from the previous meal and preparing for the next. Burning up extra calories.
  10. Sit down for every meal. No more eating on the go.


Start with these simple changes and remember that if you are over eating or eating the wrong food your mind has become conditioned to this so changing the thought process around can take time. Get out into the fresh air more and walk a little each day. This gives clarity of mind and helps release happy endorphins. Increasing daily exercise is always going to be beneficial.

It is always great to have help and support with changing any of the mind’s subconscious habits, especially around food and exercise.

Hypnotherapy has been hugely successful for many making the journey less effort and a more pleasurable experience.


Call Orla on 086-1040407 to book a consultation if you feel you need a boost and some support to take control back and become healthier, or simply click on the link below to learn more about the Feel Good / Look Good Hypnotic Weight Management Program.